Hi There.
I'm Matt.
I want to make it easy for agencies to build and host Craft CMS websites and Laravel applications.
I write and speak about the things I learn along the way.
I'm have built and run Servd, a friction-free hosting platform specifically catering to Craft CMS. This very site is hosted on it.
I'm also an advocate for transparent business practice.
I occasionally take on Freelance work if you catch me in a good mood.
You can get in touch about anything by dropping me an email or DMing me on Twitter.

Matt helped us conceive, create, and grow our most impactful projects with his deep technical knowledge and a thoughtful consideration of user experience. We've launched projects in record time, grown communities, and solved seemingly impossible problems together.
Matt Kendall - Creative Director - RetroFuzz
Let it be said that @mattgrayisok is more than Ok. He is a gentleman: patient, very helpful and incredibly skilled. Thank you @mattgrayisok for your help.
Jeff Pullinger - CTO - Seraph
Latest Articles
TIL BunnyCDN as a passthrough
The Hardest Thing Is Knowing What To Do Next
Emails and Organisation (Servd, March 2020)
Content Marketing (Servd, February 2020)
What's this blog for?
DotAll 2019
Craft in Docker: Everything I've Learnt
Does Your Salary Stop You Getting Rich?
Write Things